Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Letter H Week

The kids are getting the hand of the letter worksheets. They get them done lickety split and they work hard on them!

In honor of the letter of the week, we made a "House" letter craft. The kids are getting better with their glue sticks. Some are still having trouble listening to instructions. The glue ends up on both sides of the paper. We will keep at it!

Today Mrs. Eastman brought in supplies for a fun little treat at snacktime. The kids got to make pumpkin faces with cheese shapes and bread!

We made a little pumpkin book for you and your child to enjoy at home. This wrapped up our focus on spatial relationships. We read the book together on the rug.

We will soon be working with the kids on name recognition. There are several who are struggling with identifying their own name in print. You can practice at home to get ready for our upcoming efforts.

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