Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Our Sight Word Is "THE"

We began our day with the Music Lady. Yep. Did our jobs and got right downstairs. The kids are always so "into" what she is doing! She keeps them singing and moving. It's fun to watch.

When we came back upstairs, we read the book "Go Away Big Green Monster" to the kids. If you aren't familiar with the book, it's about a child telling the monster to go away. Each page features a different characteristic in the monster's face. Following the story, we did a group activity on the rug. The kids each got a picture of a monster with different characteristics. They had to recreate their face using felt and construction paper/laminated lips, eyes, etc. Most did really well. I think the challenge was not in repeating the monster in the picture but in actually locating the item they needed to complete their face!

Later began talking about sorting and classification. This is were we look at items and try to discriminate what is different or alike. The kids did a very good job at explaining sorting to me when they used the term "splitting up". It IS kind of like that. On the rug, we spread out different pictures of monsters. Mrs. Sapp instructed the children to "put all the monsters with one eye" (all the monsters that were blue; all that had teeth) together in a pile. They got to see that we can sort and group things in different ways. Then we tried to "sort" the kids in our classroom (their idea) according to: hair color; eye color; those with laces on their shoes; girls from boys. They had fun with this. They came up with their own group ideas and we followed through. You can even see in the pictures they thought the girls with light-colored hair should sit ON TOP of something (table, chair, etc.) while the girls with dark-colored hair went UNDER something. They even tied in our previous discussions on spatial relationship!

We practiced writing our sight word: THE on our sight word book.

Finally, we did a little monster glyph (listening) activity. These went home today. Many did very well. A few had difficulty. The kids had a black and white drawing of the Big Green Monster and when Mrs. E read the instructions (if you are a boy, color the face purple, etc.) they followed along.

We had a fun and busy day!

1 comment:

  1. We have a book from the library at home right now called A Place To Call Home. Evie looked at it and was able to go through the title and name almost every letter without any help from us. She got stuck on the H and when I reminded her it was part of her sight word this week, she remembered it was an H! It's so much fun for us to see her learning so much this year. She was literally jumping up and down with excitement that she was able to identify all the letters. I'm amazed at the progress she has made in just over a month of school. Thank you both for making this year so much fun and so educational!
