Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Trip To The Library

Our Friday began with a brisk walk to the library. We think they really enjoyed getting out into the neighborhood. Thanks to the parents that walked with us as this can be a little nerve wracking for your teachers. We don't have enough eyes! While at the library we enjoyed stories read to us by a librarian and she even had songs and dances we performed as well!

Later in the afternoon we explored the inside of a pumpkin! The kids were excited to see what was inside and many were brave and helped retrieve the seeds that were inside! Mrs. Sapp promised to take the seeds home and clean them up and cook 'em so the kids could have a taste on Monday. We followed up our exploration with a Scholastic lesson. How did you know it was all about pumpkins! We learned the gook inside is called "pulp". The outside is called the "shell". Believe it or not, the part between the shell and the pulp has a name, too. It's the "flesh". We also had a little, tiny pumpkin in our room and the kids wondered if the same thing was in it, too. So we dissected it too! And we found that YES! There were seeds, pulp, flesh and the shell! Wow!

We also did a little "pumpkin report". Mrs. Eastman sat with the kids to see how big the pumpkin was. She showed the kids different ways to measure it. She started with string that she used to measure the "circumference". She also showed the kids how to use a yardstick to measure from bottom to top. She also showed them how to stack our cube blocks to see how many it took to measure from the bottom of the pumpkin to the top. They enjoyed this as they thought it was fun to watch the blocks tumble when Mrs. E's hand was a little un-steady.

Our sight word this week was "on". We practiced writing the word with our "on" book and the kids took turns coming up with sentences with that word in it.

Hopefully you all got the information about our Halloween Parade that came in your mailbox. Our class will dress-up on Friday, October 28th. We will "parade" around the exterior of the building while in costume. Parents are encouraged to stay and watch and wave. We will take pictures then go inside and "de-robe". So be sure they are dressed underneath. During our normal gym time, we will go to Kilbourne Hall for a little fun and games.

Have a super weekend!

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