Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Nice Little Break Ahead

Just a little reminder ... no school Friday as Worthington Schools are off due to Professional Development. We will also do a little housekeeping around SJEEC. One of the requirements of the Step Up To Quality program sponsored by the state is to do an assessment of our class progress thus far. It's quite a lengthy where they ask us the same questions three times per school year to see how the kids are progressing. They also want to see if the kids are progressing as a group, etc. It helps us because we can alter lesson plans according to progress. We are also able to focus on areas and/or children we didn't expect to when generating our plans last summer. We thank you for understanding and supporting our school's decision to give the teacher's class time to do these assessments. Otherwise, we would have to do them on our personal time.

On to fun things. Today we made our own (construction paper) Jack-O-Lantern. A little bit of fall fun but a little assessing as well. We gave them a construction paper pumpkin with dotted lines for the eyes, nose and mouth. These features were various shapes. Then, we gave them some black, construction paper shapes and they were instructed to put them in the appropriate place on the pumpkin. Heck, we couldn't fool them. They ALL did an excellent job! These came home today.

We also noted over the past several weeks that very few kids know right from left ... which is very age appropriate. So we did a little project in the art room where they painted their hands, made prints and we pasted "right" and "left" under the appropriate handprint. Perhaps you can hang this up at home and practice a little. We taught 'em to make the letter "L" with both hands and then they'd know which one was the left. But, they are still having some trouble.

We seemed to have a lot of slow eaters for lunch today. Another classroom joined our group and it got kind of loud. Perhaps that's why. Our kids might have been distracted. So, if you heard they didn't get to finish lunch it's because we had to cut-off our time down in the lunch room. We are certain no one was starving, though.

We will be wrapping up our lessons on spatial relationship next week. Today we made our own book with ghosts. We handed out the ghosts and the pages to the book, one by one. We read the page, "place your ghost BETWEEN the bats". Even though the visuals were indications as to where the ghost belonged, they all did very well. We feel confident they all understand the nature of spatial relationships and the terms that go along with that concept. YIPPEE! We are ready to move on in math.

The kiddos were a little tired after lunch. We tossed our lessons aside for a few minutes and let them rest on the rug while listening to some soothing music. Funny how when you "make" them rest, they are no longer tired. There was a lot of talking and moving around. Guess they weren't THAT exhausted!

Have a nice little break. See you all Monday!

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