Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Fun-Filled Tuesday With The Three's

Boy they did super with the letter of the day: C! Not only did they know it at first sight, they also knew the sounds it made and they were able to "write" the letter. Excellent!

The kids had fun with Madame Smail today ... what's new? Did they tell you she ends every lesson with a magic trick? We are learning red, yellow and green (rouge, jaune, and vert). She is also trying to teach them hello (bonjour) and goodbye (au reviour).

We spend a lot of time these first several weeks just getting the schedule down. We can tell you they are there! They have the concept of a line. They understand to wait their turn at the sink. And, they are beginning to understand to be quiet on the circle rug for a group lesson. This is big time because until now, most of them haven't really had to "compete" for time and attention. Understanding their are other people who are also entitled is a big lesson for children this age.

Our "c" craft was a caterpillar. We had pre-cut shapes that the kids were supposed to put on another piece of paper. We are trying to reiterate the sound the "c" makes with the caterpillar. We have been surprised at how many children don't know how to use glue sticks. Maybe you can pick one up at the store and have the kids glue at home. Many will put the glue on one side and try to adhere it to another piece of paper ... only they aren't putting it glue-side down. We will master this! For now, we try to put the glue on for them and have them place the object. We really want to see them doing this independently though. Extra practice at home might help.

Did we tell you they say the pledge of allegiance every morning? They are beginning to recite the words themselves! Excellent! Also, we say a prayer before our snack every day and today we had one little guy actually saying it with us. He understood it was a time for thanks and was doing his best to show respect. It was a sight (and sound) to hear. Thanks little sweetie.

We played a game where we boarded a "train" (chairs organized in our room like a train would be). Mrs. Sapp recited a riddle. Each child had a "ticket" with a shape on it. When Mrs. Sapp called the shape, you got to board the train. We have introduced them to circles, triangles, squares and rectangles. Naturally, squares and rectangles are tricky. Most got the others correctly.

Finally, we practiced some spatial relationship stuff with some paper dolls that went inside, outside, and under our "houses". They got to bring these home with them today.

We will see you on Thursday where we will be talking transportation!


  1. This is so cute! I really appreciate you posting the class happenings every day (especially pictures and details of what the kiddos are learning each day). I know this takes time to do, so thank you! It can be a little tricky trying to glean information from a 3 year old! Thanks!

    Beth (Jackson's mom)

  2. I agree with Beth that it is tricky getting information from a 3 year old! That is why I enjoy sharing the Priceless and Purple blog with Will. It generates a lot of great conversations!
