Monday, October 3, 2011

A New Week Filled With Fun

We began the day like every Monday with the Big Event (where we feature a letter of the week and follow-up with a multiple-senses-involved group activity). Our letter this week is "C". It's a tricky one because it has two sounds. We are focusing on the hard sound. After the introduction of this letter, the kids were invited to Crawl through our make-believe Cave. Can you Crawl through the Cave? Yes, I Can! To our surprise, many employed a variety of clever and creative crawling tactics! LOL.

Our science lesson was about volume and weight. We began the lesson asking kids if they knew what a scale was or what it meant to "weigh" something. Most cited the scale in their parent's bathroom and understood it tells us how much people weigh. We put dried corn kernels in three different vessels: a bowl, a 1/2 cup measuring device, and a dixie cup. The kids made predictions about which container would (1) weigh more, and (2) hold more kernels. They understood that the likelihood the one holding the most corn would also weigh the same. They were excited to see that their predictions were correct when we poured the corn from the containers in our balance scale. A few offered that the heavier side would go "lower" and the lighter side "would go up". I tell you, this is a bright group of kids. They were so "in to" the exercise that they were asking us to "do this", "now try that". Wow!

To reinforce the letter "C" and the sounds this letter makes, we had some time so we glued cotton balls on a cotton-candy-colored pink piece of paper.

This afternoon we met with Madame Smail. She taught the kids "bonjour", "au revoir", and the colors yellow (jaune), red (rouge) and green (vert). She even treated us to some jaune skittles. Yippee!

We had a little fun with Ollie (the class pet) today. He got to go in his little "ball" and roam around the room. The kids were very good about leaving him alone and watching him move.

Finally, we read a book on the Biggest Leaf Pile Ever and followed up with a small watercolor art project. The kids got to use the same colors as in the story: yellow, red, orange, and purple. Our leaves were made of the same materials that coffee filters are made from so when we applied the watercolors the colors spread. The leaves turned out really pretty. They are drying in the art room. Our leaf match exercise involved throwing the leaves (construction paper) in the air and letting them fall wherever. Each leaf had a child's name on it. Mrs. Eastman read a riddle and the kids had to search for the leaf with their name on it when she called on them. All were good listeners and very adept at name recognition ... they are reading each other's names now. This usually happens in our class but not till the end of the year!

Have a super day off.

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