Monday, October 24, 2011

Hooray For The Letter H!

This week our letter is H. We had fun putting our palm in front of our mouths and saying words that begin with H. There's a little puff of air that comes out when we make that sound! As usual, we followed up with our Big Event. The kids were asked to go into the Hall and Hunt for Letters H on the wall. When they located one, they were invited you yell "horray"! That was fun.

Our number of the day was 8! Our little ones love to choose the number so we had two kiddos do this today and added the numbers together. Quite a difficult concept at this age ... but don't you know one little gal was right with us when we were showing them the plus and equals signs! Our numbers were 2 and 6. We showed the kids how to use their fingers to add these numbers!

While practicing our letter-writing, everyone did very well. From time to time, we will send home some letter-writing practice sheets. These are for you to observe what we observe at school. Lots of hard working kids. We also figure everyone can benefit from practice. This group of kids is so eager to learn and we are thrilled to "get in on that" and keep 'em going.

We are talking "monsters" this week. We figure it's a nice time to discuss these make-believe creatures. We read a book about a little monster boy who was afraid about PEOPLE! It was the old-age "monsters under my bed" but in reverse. The little boy in the story was afraid to go into his "cave" at night for fear there would be little girls and boys hiding in his closet, under his bed and behind his chair. This brought up all kinds of stories from our little ones. They worked through that fear of their's and told us there was no such thing as monsters. Just about everyone had a monster story to share with the class!

In honor of monsters, we made goo today. Of course, Mrs. Eastman embellished a little and told the kids we were using monster "snot" to make the goo. Really, it was glue. They had fun with this little bit of craziness. Many were brave souls who stuck their hands in and felt around.

We have a large "parachute" in our classroom so we read a poem about crows and put construction paper crows with numbers on them. The kids got to shake, shake, shake the parachute until the crows fell off. They were invited to grab one and identify the number on it. Several children got it right on the nose. We tricked 'em up a bit as their were double-digits on some crows but the kiddos id'd both letters as individuals and that's okay for now. We will keep working on our number identification.

Don't forget, this Friday is our Halloween Parade. Please send your kiddos to school in their costume (please leave all accessories to costumes at home). Send in a bag to put their costume in because we will change out of it after the parade. Later in the afternoon they will go to another room in the school for a little carnival fun!

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